Please Note: You must stop here to get your ADA Wristband. This wristband is free of charge and will grant you access to the accessibility services required on account of a disability or injury. There is no ADA pre-registration before the event - this is all done in person at the event. There will be an Accessibility Services Hub located conveniently at both entrances. The East Hub will be located just outside the entrance, next to the Box Office. The West Hub will be located inside the entrance to the right, just past medical. At these locations, you can:
- Request accommodations and services you require.
- Get your ADA questions answered.
- Get your ADA Wristband.
- Wristband Policies
- ADA wristbands are good for the whole weekend
- DO NOT remove your wristband for the entire duration the event
- To access festival viewing platforms, one companion wristband will be issued for each accessible patron(exceptions will be made for families with young children subject to capacity at each accessible viewing platform)
- If a disabled guest wants to switch their companion, please bring the old companion wristband to the ADA kiosk to be reissued